Nursery Prints

Beautiful custom-designed nursery prints add style, personality and a personal touch to your baby’s nursery decor. Babies, toddlers, older children and adults alike, love having these special meaningful pictures on their walls.

When my client gave birth to a baby boy, she wanted me to design inspirational prints for her son’s room. She had two quotes in mind:

“Dream beautiful dreams and then work to make those dreams come true.”

“No act of kindess no matter how small is ever wasted.”

The baby’s nursery colour scheme consisted of earthy blue and brown tones, so we decided to work with a blue, brown, tan and white colour palette of various shades to create unity and cohesion throughout the space.

Here are some concepts explored:

Quote 1: Concept 1
Quote 1: Concept 1
Quote 1: Concept 2
Quote 1: Concept 2
Quote 2: Concept 1
Quote 2: Concept 1
Quote 2: Concept 2
Quote 2: Concept 2
Quote 2: Concept 3
Quote 2: Concept 3

To order your favourite sayings or quotes at any size, custom-designed to match your décor, click here.